I Found My Tribe


mom tribe In February 2018, I wrote my first blog post for the Des Moines Mom about not having a “tribe.” I didn’t have a group of friends to confide in, to talk “motherhood” with, to go out for drinks with, or to just share a laugh with here and there. At the time I had only my daughter, I was (and still am) a Stay-at-Home mama; or as I like to call it, the CEO of the household, and I was struggling.

Sure, I had my immediate family. But let’s be honest, my family loves my kids more than they love me. They are far more interested in what is going on in their lives than mine. And that’s okay!

In my final post with the blog, I’m here to tell you that if you are in a similar boat as I was back then, your “tribe” is out there. Do not give up on finding those people. Because when you do find them, your world is forever changed for the better. 

Find Your Mom Tribe

Get Involved

I’ll forever be grateful to Andrea and Kara for allowing me a space to write here. Through this, I have made so many connections, one of which I consider one of my best friends now and is totally a part of my “tribe.” I wouldn’t have met her the way I did, if I wasn’t involved with the blog and for that, I’m forever grateful.

Getting involved in things you’re not used to can be scary.

Especially if you consider yourself more of an introverted person. Trust me, I get it. But you have to take the leap and do it. This blog is actually a great resource to find things happening around the area. Find something that sparks your interest and take that leap. You got this. 

Let Your Guard Down

You don’t have to tell all your secrets to the first friend you meet, but be open, be yourself, and let your guard down. You’ll know when you find those special friends when you feel you can be your total self around them with zero hesitations. It’s a wonderful feeling! 

Use Social Media to Reach Out

Social Media is good (and bad) in so many ways. But one way I will say it is great is for connections. Don’t be afraid to reach out to someone via social media to get involved in whatever it is you’re interested in. More times than not, people are super receptive and appreciate it! You may be surprised at other ways you may be connected too! 

Be Patient

Mama’s, if you don’t already have your “tribe”, that’s okay. It doesn’t happen overnight. Also, please remember your “tribe” may be two or three amazing people. It doesn’t need to be a large group. Please just be patient with yourselves, and know that your “people” are out there. Sometimes it just takes a little digging. 

Although I’ll no longer be a contributor for the blog, please feel free to keep in touch! I’d love to chat any time! 
I can be reached on Instagram at jessica_cezar915 or email at [email protected]

Keep on keepin’ on Mamas. You’re amazing.

Do you have a mom tribe?

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Jessica is a stay-at-home mama to an energetic and non-stop talking four year old little girl named Ava and the sweetest yet ornery little one year boy named Eli. She runs on espresso shots and cold coffee and feels like she's on a vacation when she gets a solo trip to Target. She's been married to her husband PJ for almost 8 years. They have lived everywhere from Minneapolis to Houston but ultimately ended up in the heart of Des Moines where she is enjoying her busy, chaotic and beautiful life.


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