5 Benefits of a Side Hustle I Didn’t Expect


side hustleLike many of you, I’m a busy mom with a to-do list a mile long. I’m a wife and a full-time, work-from-home mom with a middle schooler. A typical day for me includes waking up at 5:30 a.m., helping my husband and my son get out the door on time before I start tackling my day, which consists of: dishes, laundry, errands, meetings, projects, soccer practice, dinner, more dishes, and – my personal favorite – middle school mood swings.

Maybe you can relate?

When the opportunity to start a side hustle presented itself, something inside me said: “you have to do this!”. I didn’t realize it at the time, but starting a side hustle was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

5 Unexpected Benefits of a Side Hustle

1. Purpose

Wow! This one hit me like a ton of bricks. I didn’t realize how easily I slip into auto-pilot – focusing on the daily grind of all things mom, wife, colleague, and homemaker. But the truth is those things weren’t filling me up the way they once did. Don’t get me wrong, being a mom and a wife are wonderful blessings. But I needed something new. I needed a reason to spring out of bed in the morning and be excited about the day instead of wishing I could stay in bed and binge watch Netflix all day.

2. Connection

Being at home can be extremely lonely and isolating. I think I made more Target runs and trips to the grocery store than were actually necessary because I was craving human interaction. After starting my side hustle, I found myself surrounded by a new group of people who had similar interests. It was like I immediately had a bunch of new girlfriends who really understood me!

Additionally, sharing my side hustle with others gave me a great reason to reach out to people I hadn’t talked to in far too long. You know who I’m talking about, right? All the people I had been meaning to meet for coffee or take some time to call…but then life got in the way. I was also able to meet new people through networking groups and Meetups.

3. Personal Growth

Through my side hustle, I have learned to overcome fear, self-doubt, and negative self-talk which were lessons I needed more than I thought. I’ve tried lots of new things – some of which I succeeded at and others I failed. In the process, I’ve grown into a stronger and more confident version of myself that I didn’t know could exist.

Added bonus: my son watched me struggle with and push through all of these things, and that’s a lesson he would not have had the chance to see if I had stayed safe and comfortable as the former version of myself.

4. Joy

A year ago, when people would ask how I was doing, I would muster up a big smile and a very convincing “I’m good!”. But the truth was that I was not good at all. I dreaded Sunday evenings because it meant the daily grind was about to start again. I approached each day as if it were a set of tasks that needed to be completed – like a robot – and rarely took time to do something that made me smile or gave me joy. Now, I enjoy spending Sunday evenings with my family, and I look forward to Mondays because it means the start of another exciting week. I look at my calendar with eager anticipation: Who do I get to connect with this week? What will I learn this week?

5. Options

I wasn’t really sure how much money I could make with a side hustle. But now I see that it can open up a whole new world of options. Having some extra bandwidth in our budget is pretty exciting! The options are endless: a vacation, home improvement projects, or a new pair of shoes!

In the last year, several people have commented that I look so much happier than I did before. I think that’s an outward reflection of how I’m truly feeling on the inside. My life is very different today than it was this time last year – in wonderful, soul-filling, and unexpected ways.

If you’re considering starting a side hustle, I want to encourage you to do it! I had no experience, no idea what to expect, and, quite honestly, no idea what I would get out of it (besides a fabulous discount on things I liked using!). Today, I’m sharing what I’m passionate about, connecting with like-minded people, and growing into the person I believe I was made to be. It’s absolutely crazy to think that one simple “yes” made all of that happen.

So go for it, girl! You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. It just might be the best decision you’ve ever made.

lisaDr. Lisa Handley, PharmD is a wife, full-time pharmacist, mom to a middle schooler, and a Beautycounter consultant. Dr. Lisa has been caring for people and their health for almost 20 years, but after being diagnosed with a number of complex health issues in her early 30s, she knew it was time to take her health and wellness journey to the next level. That’s when she started switching to non-toxic personal care products and cleaning supplies and implementing whole food, clean eating practices with her family. Dr. Lisa is passionate about helping families incorporate health, wellness, and non-toxic living into their lives in simple and effective ways. Partnering with Beautycounter has been an amazing part of that journey. Follow her on Facebook and Instagram for kid-friendly, clean eating recipes, non-toxic product recommendations, and more!

side hustle


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