8 Ways Cannabis Oil Does a Body Good from The Detox Artist

This post is sponsored by The Detox Artist.

HempworxAre you tired, stressed out, impatient, or lacking focus? As a mom of 3, some days it seems like I haven’t had a good night’s sleep since before I had kids. Six months ago, I was exhausted and looking for a way to feel better. What began as an answer to sleep deprivation turned into an improved way of living.

This “way” included:

  1. building on a positive state-of-mind,
  2. a daily practice of mindful choices,
  3. and supplementation with my cannabidiol oil. 

About five weeks in, I looked back at things and realized how these choices, plus CBD, made an impact. 

  • My threshold for patience was at an all-time high
  • I improved my mood
  • CBD regulated my appetite, and therefore I lost pounds and inches
  • I was keeping my immune system in peak performance while my kids caught their normal colds
  • I was sleeping like my babies
  • Most noticeably, I found focus and clarity

So I harnessed this new-found-energy into a community group for my business I named, The Detox Artist. My mission is to inform and share values related to the simple steps we all take toward health and personal happiness. 

One topic we discuss frequently at The Detox Artist is CBD. Also known as hemp-derived Cannabidiol, CBD is drug-free and legal. 

More than 100 beneficial cannabinoids derive from the cannabis plant.  Two of the most recognized cannabinoids are

  • CBD – Non-psychoactive
  • THC – Psychoactive

You will NOT get “high” with hemp-derived CBD.  Here’s why:

There are different varieties of cannabis species, much like a Wolf and a Chihuahua are different breeds of Canis Lupus. Two main varieties of the species cannabis sativa are

  • HEMP which naturally contains CBD and less than 0.3% THC
  • MARIJUANA which contains CBD and is bred for higher concentrations of THC in the range of 15-20%

I believe adding CBD into your diet can make a profound impact on your health like it did for me. 

Humans, all mammals in fact, have an endogenous (inert) cannabinoid system. This system produces cannabinoid compounds that bind to receptors in the brain. So when we consume hemp-derived cannabinoids, they aide our bodies in self-correcting a slew of seemingly unrelated conditions.

Here are 8 common ways hemp-derived CBD oil does a body good:

  1. Sleep
  2. Digestion
  3. Hormone stability
  4. Immunity
  5. Mental clarity
  6. Creativity
  7. Calm
  8. Muscle and joint relief

There is no identifiable point that things happen with CBD.  In my experience, there is just the “absence of” after you take it.  The experience is unique for each of us.

hempworx detox artistBe informed before you buy CBD oil 

Many brands are coming on the market like the Wild West. Here are some absolute MUSTS to know about your product. US Hemp Authority Certified

  • Certification – U.S. Hemp Industry certified
  • Full-spectrum CBD – produced from the whole plant, not just seeds or stems
  • CO2 extraction method – vital for purity and potency.  No solvents or pesticides
  • Purity – all batches tested by a third-party with certification available
  • Organic – hemp grown & non-GMO
  • Ingredients free of fillers – includes just CBD oil & hemp oil as a carrier
  • FDA compliant manufacturing facility is a bonus

We meet all the criteria! My CBD product line is produced by Hempworx and includes:

  • CBD oils taken under the tongue or mixed with a beverage
  • Pain relief cream containing CBD works instantly
  • Daily face cream and serum with CBD and collagen
  • Arabica Bean coffee with CBD & Chaga Mushrooms
  • Keto CBD coffee creamers
  • CBD oil and treats for pets

detox artist CBD oilI’m #drivenbyfeelingfine, so I invite you to get on THIS bus! 

To get the experience, let’s get in touch at TheDetoxArtist where you can join hundreds of other local families at my popular Facebook Group

To start your own research, here’s an excellent resource www.projectcbd.org.

To Your Health!

Detox Artist EricaErica Abell-Holland, The Detox Artist

Connect with The Detox Artist




Phone: (515) 289-6263



These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Most work-place drug screens and tests target delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and do not detect the presence of Cannabidiol (CBD) or other legal natural hemp-based constituents. Even though our products contain less than .3% THC by dry weight (Federal Legal Limit), studies have shown that ingesting Full Spectrum CBD can cause confirmed positive results when screening urine and blood specimens. Accordingly, if you are subject to any form of employment drug testing or screening, we recommend (as does the United States Armed Services) that you DO NOT take our products. Before taking our products, consult with your healthcare practitioner, drug screening testing company or employer. This website requires you to also be at least 18 years or older to purchase our products. 

*Cannabidiol (CBD) is a naturally-occurring constituent of the industrial hemp plant. MyDailyChoice/HempWorx does not sell or distribute any products that are in violation of the United States Controlled Substances Act (US.CSA). The company does sell and distribute hemp-based products.


  1. This was helpful information. I had a hunch not all CBD oil was created equallly and this helped explain why it’s not and what to look for when purchasing.

  2. This was interesting! I had a hunch not all Cbd was created equally and this blog helped identify why they’re not and what to look for when purchasing.

  3. Thank you for the information shared here. It is interesting to know that our body is designed to receive CBD and how it creates balance in our body when we do. I also appreciate knowing the product you offer is certified by the US Hemp Roundtable and lab tested by a 3rd party.

  4. I’ve been noticing and enjoying the benefits of Hempworx CBD oil for two months now in many of the ways stated in The Detox Artist’s article above. So grateful! My husband has most noticeably had great reduction in his tinnitus he has lived with since his young years with the US Marine Corps as flight captain on the ship deck. His joint discomfort has also been greatly lessened. Thank you for introducing us to a great natural product. Oh, we have both given up our sleep aid!

  5. Erica, you are a wealth of information and I am very thankful for that and for you!

    The top results for myself have been improved sleep and mental clarity.

    Thank you!

  6. I’m so amazed at all the possible ways that CBD oil can be used. I had no idea! I’ve been wondering about my own insomnia issues for quite some time and I’m happy to see many of my questions answered here. Thank you for spreading this knowledge.

  7. I don’t know much about CBD, but this information has me eager to try it. The article itself is written so clearly that it’s easy to follow what could be a complicated explanation. I’m looking forward to adding so calm to a hectic life, and of course for any possibility of weight loss. Great article!

  8. Readers, Many thanks to the feedback you shared above! The choice to be an informed consumer is ours. CBD has the potential to unlock good things for many of us. Use discretion when buying. Feel welcome to contact me to help differentiate the various products on the market. [email protected] 515-289-6263

  9. I’ve always wondered about CBD but have been worried about the quality of all the different options on the market–thank you for such a clearly written article about the benefits of CBD and what to look for in a quality product!

  10. Aelisa,
    It activates our full health potential in many people. CBD interacts with CB receptors all across our bodies to trigger into action the necessary physiological system responsible. It works best given consistency and given our other daily choices on food, exercise, stress, and sleep.


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