What Do You Do if You Don’t Like Working Out? 


working outNot everyone enjoys working out. And there’s a lot of reasons this could be. But moving is really important for our health…not just to be fit and look good. Exercise also increases energy, boosts mood, lowers anxiety, and helps you sleep better at night.

5 Tips for Working Out

If you struggle to workout on a regular basis, I have 5 tips to share:

  1. Work on NEAT. Instead of thinking of an hour-long workout, focus on moving your body throughout the day. NEAT or Non-exercise activity thermogenesis is any movement you do that’s not exercising. Try to stand more. Use the bathroom farthest away from your office or wherever you are at in your house. Take a 5-minute walk every 60 minutes. Standing burns up to 3x more calories than sitting, so if you want to burn some extra calories without actually thinking about it, stand more!
  2. Get accountability. Accountability is so underrated yet one of the main reasons women work with me. They need accountability! If you’re struggling with working out, get a workout buddy, join a class, join a league, or something that will hold you accountable.
  3. Don’t do the same thing. It’s so easy to get in a rut which then causes us to not like working out anymore. Try something new to switch things up and to keep yourself from getting bored.
  4. Have a goal. This is very important. Have a goal and be specific. Not just, “I want to work out.” Instead, “I’m going to work out x times each week at this specific time…”. The more specific you are the more likely you will be to actually achieve your goal.
  5. Use my 5-minute rule: I personally use this on days when I’m dragging or want to come up with excuses not to workout. I tell myself I only have to work out for 5 minutes and then I can quit if I want to. It’s a really great hack to get you to just start, which is the hardest part, right? After I start and the 5 minutes are up…I continue because 99% of the time endorphins will kick in, I’ll feel good, and will just want to keep going.

Next time you’re struggling with working out or just want to start the habit, try incorporating one or more of these tips. It’s so important to create the habit of exercise in your life.

How do you enjoy working out? 


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