Mom’s Time to Smile

This post is sponsored by Stork Orthodontics.

Mom, how many times have you put yourself on the back burner? You want or need something, but you don’t get it because you always put the kids or your spouse first. Old-fashioned mom guilt prevents many of us from taking advantage of alone time and often self-care.

After all, what kind of mom puts her own needs ahead of her kids’? Turns out, a pretty good one. Practicing self-care actually helps make you a better parent. It’s actually essential to your health and well-being. The more you fill yourself up, the more you have to give. And as moms, we have to give a lot.

Orthodontics is one of those things a mom can see as expensive and something that should only be considered after the rest of the family has been taken care of. However, depending on the age of your children you may be able to complete braces or Invisalign before they even need treatment.

Plus, then you will have the experience to know what treatment is like and will be able to better help and understand your child when they begin their orthodontic journey.

Take it from moms who have chosen to put themselves first.  If you free yourself from mom guilt, you and your child can reap lifelong benefits.

How do you feel now that you can smile with confidence?

“I feel absolutely amazing and couldn’t be more pleased with my smile! It kind of seems silly that having straight teeth has the potential to make one feel so much better about themselves and can boost that much confidence, but it does. I have 2 little girls and I want them to see me as a confident woman both inside and out so that one day they too, will grow up to be strong and confident just like mom.”–Jana

“I love my smile now. It is an indescribable feeling to not want to hide behind a closed-mouth smile or refrain from taking pictures altogether. Really, it’s not even all about the physical change – it’s also about feeling happier and more confident every single day!” –Angie

To read the rest of Jana and Angie’s smile stories click here.

To hear more stories and the impact treatment could have on your life check out Dr. Stork’s interview with Lou and Jackie on Iowa Live.

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Dr. Stork is a speaker, teacher, author, and orthodontic specialist. Dr. Stork completed his orthodontic training at the world-renowned Mayo Clinic. In June of 2012, Stork Orthodontics opened for their first patient. Dr. Stork is a proud husband and father of two children. He has a passion for people and understands the life of a busy parent. At Stork Orthodontics he offers convenience, comfort, flexible financing, in a fun and positive environment where the patient always comes first.


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