Mom’s Pandemic Hobbies


hobbiesSo many people have used this past year to attempt and master various hobbies. The truly clever ones have even managed to monetize them.

I am not one of these people. 

When I reflect on how I’ve chosen to spend my increased hours at home, I don’t come up with a list of personal development projects. But that’s not to say I don’t have new hobbies.

In fact, I have honed quite an array of newfound skills and talents, thanks to my children.

A Mom’s Pandemic Hobbies

  1. Marble Race Fan – Our 8-year-old son has caught marble fever. Our home is now littered with marble maze creations and errant marbles. Jelle’s Marble races are often blaring from YouTube and our son’s own commentary fills the air as he designs and implements competitive races. All he requires is an appreciative audience. An enthusiastic, appreciative audience. 
  2. Toddler Cruise Director – I was under the impression baby number three would be fully self-sufficient by age two. Not so in our house. He can be a completely reasonable human, so long as his activities list is on-demand and dynamic. And includes an attentive parent by his side.
  3. Crafting Aficionado – I’m not an artistic person. Pinterest is a four-letter word in my world and most of my crafting projects end in the use of more traditional profanity.  However, our preschooler loves, loves, loves creation and art supplies and imaginative beings and homemade pillows for their heads and any other “super-easy” craft Mommy can find on her computer. So I craft now. Like it’s my job.
  4. Book Concierge – My obsession with our local libraries has increased tenfold this year and their curbside offerings have saved many a day. However, between homeschooling and bedtime reading, we go through a lot of books. Finding books that appeal to the second-grade engineer, the preschool fantasist, and our poop-loving toddler can be a challenge. When you can’t turn the kids loose in the stacks themselves, it takes a bit more time to cull the reading list.  
  5. Location Services – “Where is…?” This question is asked at least five times per hour in our house. It’s most likely to end with Lightning McQueen, a specific pair of scissors, the name of a marble, or the favorite book of the hour, but there are plenty of other such queries. It’s my least favorite question in the whole world and the one I spend most of my time answering.

So my latest hobbies revolve around my kids. As the book Ada Twist, Scientist, proclaims, “because that’s what you do when your kid has a passion and heart that is true.” Who am I to disagree with great literature?

I know we’re not supposed to lose ourselves in our children and we need to grow and expand as individuals outside of our progeny. 

Well, I didn’t do much of that this year. I still celebrate my new skill set. 

If I don’t, I might cry. Again.


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