Love Is Sacrifice


Love Is SacrificeFrom the moment my eyes first met hers, my daughter had my heart.

Her eyes drew me in and made me catch my breath. My love for her could not be put into words and overflowed from a place that I didn’t know existed.

My understanding of love, and of life, was forever changed.

Being a mom, I have discovered a love that compels me beyond what I ever thought I was capable of. Not that I didn’t know love before – it is more that I have realized the depths of what love can and should be.

A love that compels. Gives unconditionally. Makes sacrifices. As moms, love is in the choices we make every day.

Love is waking up every couple hours to make sure my daughter is receiving the nutrients she needs her first precious weeks (okay, months) of life.

Love is changing diaper after endless diaper, smiling down at my baby girl as she smiles back at me.

Love is doing chores when I get to them, knowing that the pile of laundry and stack of dishes will never end.

Love is taking the time to be present and be still, even when there are a million other things to do.

Love is allowing myself some time to recharge, so I can be a rested, more patient momma.

Love is in everything you do as a working mom, doing what it takes to provide for your family.

Love is in the daily choices you make as a stay-at-home mom, doing what you need to do to provide for your family.

Love is having grace toward yourself when you feel like there’s too much to handle.

Love is in the seemingly endless middle-of-the-night wakings, as you hold your little one and try to soothe her back to sleep.

Love is in the frustration you feel when you can’t make it better, when all you want is for your child to be okay (or to just go to sleep already).

Love is in your calls to the doctor’s office, asking questions and being the paranoid first-time mom, making sure her baby is healthy.

Love is not being afraid to ask for wisdom and help when you don’t have the answers.

Love is knowing it’s okay to not know everything and trusting your instincts, putting your child’s needs before your own.

Love is in the everyday decisions you make, from the mundane to the painful, knowing you are doing what you feel is best.

Love is selfless. It is sacrifice. As moms, love is every action we do for our children.

Love Is Sacrifice

During this advent season, I can’t help but think about the sacrifice of love that God made when he sent His Son to earth. He loved creation so much that He wanted us to be reconciled to Him through Christ.

From the moment God laid eyes on His children, He loved us. Even more than I love my daughter. His love overflows and longs for us, just as our love for our children longs for their love in return.

The other day I was playing with my now 13-month-old daughter, and I noticed that she was giving me a lot of eye contact. She held my gaze for a long time, and I felt her eyes looking deep into mine. It was almost as though I could see her feeling my love for her, and she was able to experience it in that moment. She smiled at me and reached in to hug me, and I felt my heart melt into the floor.

It is my hope that we can all experience this kind of love. When our “Mom well” starts to run dry (which if you’re like me, happens a lot more often than you’d like), we must let ourselves experience the love and grace God has for us, embracing it with open arms.

As you love and make sacrifices each day for your children, receive God’s outpouring of love and share it with those dear to you this holiday season.

About Kristin Schaaf

Kristin Schaaf headshotKristin Schaaf is a blessed wife to her husband David and first-time momma to her daughter Hannah, embracing the ups and downs of motherhood and the joys and challenges each day brings. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends, writing, baking, and being involved in her church. Kristin shares her heart and experiences as a mother through letters to her daughter on her blog, Dear Baby with Love.



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