Fight Obesity with Fit Body Boot Camp WDM + Discount

This post is sponsored by Fit Body Boot Camp

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It isn’t surprising that parents place a high value on their children.

Health statistics released by the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) ranks Iowa as the 7th most overweight or obese state in the nation¹.

When you value something, you make it a priority. However, if you look deeper into these values you see a huge disconnect between your children, their health, and the way families are prioritizing these values in daily life.

Health statistics released by the American Association of Wellness ranks Iowa as the 4th most overweight or over-fat state in the nation.

A staggering 69% of adult Iowans are medically considered overweight or obese². Due to these lifestyle issues, the use of prescription drugs has increased at an alarmingly high rate. Unfortunately, these statistics are impacting what parents say they value most, their children. 

Kids are adopting these unhealthy lifestyle behaviors and the rate of obesity and medically overweight children has tripled in Iowa in this past decade³. Not to mention the rate of kids and teens diagnosed with type 2 diabetes continues to show an upward trend.

So how is it that something parents value so highly can get to this state of unhealthiness and it seems to become a complacency issue among families? 

The Wellness Coaching curriculum at Fit Body Boot Camp teaches clients that programs, diets, and 10-week challenges are not the only solution to long term and sustainable health. Although there are many effective options to choose from, it’s obviously based on the fore mentioned statistics that these programs aren’t providing its’ participants a viable and ongoing impact on healthy families. 

Success in health comes to those whose daily habits and actions become in alignment with what they value.

This is a critical key to changing the health of our family units. Parents need to quit enabling their children to become overweight, medicated, and sedentary. They must consistently show the value of health by setting an example at home every day consistently and with clarity. It can’t only be about vanity or performance.

The good news is it’s never too late to start. That means right at this moment, if any of this tugs at your heartstring, FBB has a few simple suggestions that are coached up in their sessions.

3 Healthy Living Tips

1. Food is fuel.

Eat it for purpose. It was never meant for emotional, social and convenience purposes!

2. Move your body with intention.

A casual walk is nice, but if you want to change health and physiology there must be a committed intention of intensity and time! Take family walks and make it competitive at least 1 time per week!

3. Live with joy.

Love your children deeply. Laugh with them regularly. Do not share negativity in front of them. Let them see “healthy” in you through conversation, habits, and attitude daily.

These, of course, are just a few! To be healthy is an ongoing committed approach to life. It is so important that “the apple of our eye” doesn’t fall far from the tree!

21 Days for $21 Discount

To learn more about the program and get a jumpstart on your health and fitness, Fit Body Boot Camp is offering Des Moines Mom readers our 21 days for $21 program. This includes unlimited 30-minute workout sessions, nutritional assessment with their certified coaches, daily meal plan guide, healthy recipes and more. Limited enrollments are available, please visit to sign up!

Connect with Fit Body Boot Camp

6420 Coachlight Drive Suite 400
West Des Moines



The Author, Coach Joe Tewell 

fit body bootcamp







  1. Adult Obesity Rates

2. Adult Overweight & Obesity Data

3. Obesity Rates Among WIC Participants Ages 2-4

4. Obesity Rates Among WIC Participants Ages 2-4


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